Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cartesian Battleship

Another great game from Dan Meyer's blog is Cartesian Battleship. He really has some great stuff, including in this case worksheets and overheads. This activity is probably a little to simple for Grade 10, but would be a fun way to review the cartesian plane.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cup Stacking

Another great activity shared at Dan Meyer's blog is Linear Fun #2 Stacking Cups. It challenges students to use styrofoam cups to measure the teacher. Its the type of activity that hits a wide range of curriculum points at the same time.

Vector Racer–Teaching Slope

Dan Meyer has a great blog. It has served as an inspiration for my teaching and has some great and creative ideas for teaching math. Race Track is a game to familiarize students with the cartesian plane (and some basic physics principles) by racing around a track. A more precise description is given here This is also known as vector racer and there are online versions.